Friday, May 27, 2011

And LIFE goes on...

Some THREE weeks and 'm out of sight.......... in this blog. C'mon 'm alive ;)

Ah, on a serious note, life is bit busy with studies and all. Err... 'm NOT complaining, dating the assignments is a good FUN though. Still the ROMANCE is not over yet, one more week to go before I bid goodbye to the Studio. This blog came to remembrance just now, i mean few minutes back while I was on my way back home. My watch is showing 1.05 am and I can't believe 'm back in my room.... yippee

Let me enjoy my sleep for the time being, I'll be back here just after a week... Signing Off

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Hay on Wye: The city of Books

Hay is a small town on the border of England and Wales, popularly known as 'Town of Books'. This is the city where number of books per square mile is more than any other part of the world. And it is the largest second hand book market all around the globe. So it is practically paradise for book lovers. The 'Hay Castle' is also the birth place of 'Honesty Bookshop', a bookshop where you need to put money in the honesty box for every book bought... Sounding strange!!! You have to be there to believe it.... Even the narrow lanes in the city are no less interesting than the narrow lanes in the shops through the book shelves.....



