Yes, actually it is. It's more than 365 days I'm gazing towards this National Capital's City Scape from 40 meters above the ground level of UP state's urban land AND 'm yet to be BORED.
Everyday whenever I stare there I got to see something interesting, something new and it forces me to rush and get the Camera out of the bag. But when the lazy bum dominates, then the staring process continues for long.
Today at around 7.15 in the evening I was again amazed with the unreal color of the Sky. And not to mention about the Glamor glittered city sharing the lower part of the frame and under the romancing 'Moon' and 'Evening Star'.
Really so amazing our mother nature as well as this vivid world.
Top Tips for Stress-Free Honeymoon Planning
1 week ago
Simply Superb !!!
Infact everytime when I see your post it sense me a combination of passion and imagination...
I'm absolutely speechless....
Sir Jee, Thank you Thank you.
Glad you liked my work.
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