How to Transport your bike in train?This was the 3rd time my bike taking a train ride and it’s really hassle free as I feel. Every time I got the bike without any damage and any delay while loading and unloading. Many of my friends have a bitter experience with the transport companies mostly with delay.
Hope this tip might help when you want to avoid some regular boring stretches while you plan to do your next long ride….
1. If you have a confirmed ticket, then you can transport the bike in the same train to the destination you are going to.
2. You have to book your bike minimum 2 hours before the scheduled departure of the train.
3. You need original Registration Certificate (RC) with you. Also get 4-5 photocopies of it.
4. Another important thing is the ID proof. Also get 4-5 photocopies of it though you need only 1 but may required at many places.
5. Just be little careful while packing because you know where your bike need extra padding/support. Packing charges in Bhubaneswar was 250 rupees, 2 years before. This time I paid 200 bucks in Purani Delhi railway station. Just make sure that they are giving extra protection at petrol tank and cosmetics.
6. 50 rupees was paid for a tin plate having the name of owner and registration number.
7. Make sure that the Fuel tank is completely empty. I heard that otherwise RPF people can fine you up to 3000 rupees.
8. Straight go to parcel office and request them to book your bike.
9. The charge depends on the amount that you quote for your bike with some relation with the distance to be traveled. Unicorn was quoted for 35K and the charge was around 1300 rupees from Delhi to Jammu.
10. You have to carry the booking receipt to get the delivery at the destination.
11. It’s better to be present there when railway people will load the bike to the luggage compartment. You may help in keep it in position for its safety. Because it is a bloody luggage for them.
12. At destination the bike will be sent to luggage room directly. You only have to show your booking and they will issue the gate pass in exchange to it.
13. Then just carry it outside the station, unpack, get petrol and get on the saddle.
14. And no bribing at any place.
This time when the person who was booking was anxious as we were with our helmets and saddle bag. He made things really easy as we were late as usual, it was only 40 minutes left for the departure . But it was really hectic so better to go early.