Monday, January 10, 2011

Calender 2011, January

Finally this thing is up, managed to create a quick calender though lately. The year 2010 was quite happening for me, loads of travel, transformation, relocation and also acquisition of mighty Cannon 10-22mm.... which means loads and loads of photographs. But as 'm back to student life, things in my hard drive are messy than anything. I'm even scared to enter to my photography drive...

So with the present resource, this years theme is London. Many of you might have seen most of the pictures in recent months. I can't say that this calender is a great one, as I only visited London once that to not in photography purpose, still I hope you will like it.

Thank you all again for your responses on my maiden attempt to create the 'LADAKH' series calender last year.

January,January 2011,Calender 2011,Calender design,London,London Buildings,UK
High resolution HERE.


Shrinidhi Hande said...

On my desktop now

debarpita mohapatra said...

Thank you Shri... Really glad that you liked it.
Now a days just bust for my exams, by the end of this month the whole calender will be in your mailbox :)