Monday, April 11, 2011

My New Ride

Did I ever mentioned that my 'Orange Bike' got stolen! Yes, its true. My firsthand experience of a crime victim here in United Kingdom came with this as someone stole it from University. The CC tv camera though recorded it and after my complaint the University security team assured me with the hope to get it recovered. I also lodged an complaint in the local police station, but all vain. After waiting for two weeks I got no updates. I liked that bike so much which carried me all around since last five months was an integrated part of daily activities. I almost developed a relation with it after 'Uni'. The 'Uni' back in India was a great buddy and it would be rude not to mention about him. Anyways, finally I decided to go for another used bike, as new ones are much expensive and after this incident it's bit difficult to dare for a 300 squid bike. And here it goes. 'Black is beauty', so a black mountain bike this time... :)


P.S. Hopefully someday will do a full phase photo shoot.


Cinderella said...


I am sorry to say butI loved your previous one. This is a sad replacement.

debarpita mohapatra said...

ha ha... But it's expensive and more fun to ride. Was looking for cheaper options but this tall one own ;)

Isha Sharma said...

Awwww. R.I.P Orange Bike. And Welcome Black Beauty! (:


Unknown said...

You forgot 'Hero Puch -3G' !

debarpita mohapatra said...

@ Isha: :)
This bike is FUN but the orange one was nice.

debarpita mohapatra said...

@ Utkal: Not at all... Hope to get it back once 'm back to bbsr ;)